There have been 330 graduates of the University of Rojava, who have graduated in the five years since its founding during times of war, instability, and hardship.
The opening ceremony of the university was held on November 20, 2016, several months after the first waves of students began enrolling. Following the Turkish military invasion of the Afrin region of North and East Syria, many students from the University of Afrin were allocated seats at the University of Rojava in order to allow them to continue their studies.
The University of Rojava’s colleges and programs of study include:
- College of Literature, teaching Kurdish, Arabic, English, Women’s Science, and Fine Arts.
- College of Medicine, Law, Petroleum, and Petrochemistry.
- College of Agriculture, Engineering and Architecture.
- College of Educational Sciences, teaching mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, geography, biology, and classroom education.
- College of Religious Sciences, teaching Islamic Studies, Christian Studies, and Yazidi Studies.
There are several programs oriented toward women’s rights at the university, including specifically a program of study in jineology. There are also programs to help students and women in the community overcome sexism in their cultures and family arrangements.
The university presently has more than 1,400 students enrolled. It employs more than 260 personnel, including faculty, staff, and administrators.