The Afrin region of North-East Syria continues to suffer under the Turkish occupation, as the demographic change in the region is further entrenched.  After cutting down hundreds of trees, a Turkish NGO, the Istanbul-based Humanitarian Relief Foundation, helped fund the construction of a 300 house settlement in the al-Zaydiyah neighborhood.Continue Reading

The sprawling, hostile environment of Central Syria’s desert has proven itself to be an ideal sanctuary for ISIS militants seeking to reestablish the terrorist organization’s brutal rule over the region. Syrian military forces, backed by their Iranian and Russian sponsors, have so far found themselves failing to effectively combat theContinue Reading

While CENTCOM did not specify the location or which actor, if anybody, provided assistance in the operation, the Syrian Democratic Forces, in a statement congratulation CENTCOM on the successful operation, clarified that al-Janabi was located in Turkish-occupied Afrin, which has become a hub for extremist groups, including ISIS and Hayat Tahir al-Sham, to operate freely in.Continue Reading

SDF General Commander Mazloum Abdi and SDC Co-Chair Mahmoud al-Muslat both spoke at the event, with Muslat emphasizing the need for a decentralized and democratic framework for the country, the importance of unity and support from the other Arab countries and allies, and encouraging the active participation of Syria’s tribes in the nation’s future.Continue Reading

The Middle East Institute hosted a panel on the issue of ISIS detainees, An Uncertain Future: Prospects for ISIS detainees in Syria and Iraq. The panel had speakers from both the Biden Administration and various NGOs and nonprofits that were involved in addressing the ISIS detainee issue, both fighters andContinue Reading

The attack began on January 20, 2022, when dozens of ISIS fighters used car bombs to launch an attack on the al Sina’a Prison, where thousands of ISIS members are held. The attack managed to breach the prison and allowed fighters to escape into surrounding neighborhoods and buildings, as well as take prison staff hostage.Continue Reading

A vehicle that was carrying fighters from the Tel Tamr Military Council to battle ISIS in Hasakah was struck by a Turkish drone strike, reportedly wounding the fighters inside the vehicle… there have been constant Turkish-backed attacks on the Ayn Issa region, leading to several SDF fighters being killed while repelling these attacks. Continue Reading

The Council stated that the issue of Afrin is an issue for all Syrian people, as it is a case of a foreign and hostile state illegally occupying Syrian territory and changing its demographics. They further emphasized their disappointment with the international community, stating that their silence has given Turkey a green light to continue occupying parts of Syria and to expand their attacks.Continue Reading